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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  October 17, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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>> the clash of the candidates. presidential debate number two takes on a sharper tone. lance armstrong loses nike, even his own charity, a stunning development today in his doping scandal. good afternoon, everybody. i'm jim handly. >> i'm pat lawson muse. the weather is about to change. >> storm team 4 meteorologist doug kammerer said severe weather could be on the way. how soon? >> it's going to be tomorrow, and probably tomorrow night. outside right now, it does not get better than this. most of the forecast has a lot of days like this in it. again, tomorrow could be a different story. we could be seeing severe weather. right now, a very big storm is taking shape in the middle part of the country. 68 degrees currently. winds out of the south at 9 hour. per around the rest of the region, simply gorgeous. temperature of 66 degrees right now in gaithersburg, 68 degrees in washington, and 70 degrees in
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through the fredericksburg area. once again, very nice conditions. with plenty of sunshine and light winds, this is simply a gorgeous, gorgeous afternoon. there's no rain right now. we're not going to see any rain for probably the next 24 hours. but there is that chance of severe weather during the evening hours tomorrow. we'll talk much more about that storm coming up. but i'll take you in through your morning. fairfax county, burke, great afternoon. looking very good toward fairfax city. 62 degrees at 7:00. 55 by 11:00. waking up tomorrow morning at 48 degrees. a little on the breezy side tomorrow. winds could be gusting upwards of 15 to 25 miles an hour. then we'll see that chance for storms. i'll tell you who has the best chance of seeing severe weather coming up in my forecast. for years there were rumors about lance armstrong and his use of performance-enhancing
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drugs. but today the accusations became quite costly. >> how the allegations pushed armstrong out of the top spot of his live strong foundation, even cost him a major sponsor. the long and controversial ride for lance armstrong has taken a dramatic turn. the champion cyclist and cancer survivor stepping aside as the chairman of the foundation and wildly popular livestrong brand to support cancer services. a statement from armstrong on the organization's website reads in part, to spare the foundation any negative effects as a result of the controversy surrounding my cycling career, i will conclude my chairmanship. nike announced today it will take his name off of its workout facility at corporate headquarters and end the relationship of more than a decade. a company press release says, due to the seemingly insurmountable evidence that
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lance armstrong participated in doping and mislead nike for more than a decade, it is with great sadness that we have terminated our contract with him. nike does not condone the use of performance-enhancing drugs whatsoever. >> nike said this is a sports problem, a cheating problem, no longer after ten years, they finally cut ties with lance. >> reporter: anheuser-busch also announced it will not renew a contract with armstrong that expires at the end of the year. a report released last week implicates armstrong as a ringleader in a massive scandal. >> the pro cycling team, including lance armstrong, ran the most professionalized and successful drug program we've ever seen. >> reporter: performance enhancing drugs that armstrong used extensively and shared, according to testimony from 11 of his teammates. armstrong has continued to deny using peds, but faced with the latest report, said he would no
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longer fight the allegations. instead it now seems the fight has turned to one of public relations and corporate survival. jay gray, nbc news. >> the group behind the controversial anti-islam ad posted in metro stations is now about to release a new one. it features a photo of the twin towers under attack on n9/11. next to it is a verse from the koran saying, soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. this ad is sponsored by the freedom defense initiative. the group was hoping to place this new poster in metro stations as well. metro officials tell us the new ad has not yet been submitted to them. a big decision in the trial of two prince george's county police officers accused in this beating of a university of maryland student. today the judge dismissed the first-degree assault charges, the most serious counts against them. officers reginald baker and james harrison are still facing
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second-degree assault and misconduct charges. from the post-game celebration in 2010. late this afternoon, one of the officers took the stand. coming up on news4 at 5:00, chris gordon will tell us what he had to say. the murder trial of george zimmerman won't begin until next summer. that's according to attorneys for the florida man charged with killing 17-year-old trayvon martin in february. they say the trial will begin june 10th. zimmerman's defense team said there are several pretrial steps that it still needs to take. they include a hearing to argue motions this friday. zimmerman's trial, when it does begin, is expected to last about three weeks. three weeks from today we should know who's won the presidential election. but here's what we know today. barack obama and mitt romney took their fight to the white house -- for the white house up a notch at the debate last night. they gave every indication today that they will keep up that same intensity in the final stretch. steve handelsman joins us from
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capitol hill with the latest. >> reporter: thanks, pat. the debate, what's the fallout? in colorado, in nevada, in ohio, virginia, north carolina, florida. the battleground states. as the pollsters start to measure the candidates today headed out to try to move those numbers. the day after the debate, they went to swing states, still battling. former governor romney in virginia. >> i just think the american people had expected that the president of the united states would be able to describe what he's going to do in the next four years. but he can't. he spends most of his time trying to talk about how my plan won't work. >> his tax plan won't add up. his jobs plan doesn't create jobs. his deficit reduction plan adds to the deficit. >> reporter: president obama in iowa. >> mitt romney's trying to sell you a sketchy deal. we are not buying it. >> reporter: paul ryan was in ohio.
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>> didn't mitt romney do a great job for us last night? >> reporter: the debate was a brawl. >> one-point plan. that plan is to make sure that folks at the top play by a different set of rules. >> i will not under any circumstances reduce the share that's being paid by the highest income taxpayers. >> reporter: the sharpest exchange on libya. >> it took them a long time to say this was a terrorist act by a terrorist group. >> suggestion that anybody in my team would play politics or mislead when we've lost four of our own, governor, is offensive. >> reporter: to some voters, it was too wild. >> i think a lot of that had to do with the moderator, to be honest. i think she lost control. >> reporter: the last debate is on foreign policy, for the next four years. mitt romney's already baiting barack obama. >> he's got to come up with that over this weekend, because there's only one debate left on monday. >> reporter: it should be a doozy. adding to the drama, the last debate is in boca raton,
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florida. the biggest of the battleground states. i'm steve handelsman, news4. well, the presidential debate is also the talk around town today. whur's molette green is here with fresh reaction from the listeners. when answering the question about assault weapons last night, mitt romney made a reference about parenting as a way to cut down on violence overall. let's listen to a clip first and get your reaction on the other side. >> wherever possible, the benefit of having two parents in the home, and that's not always possible, a lot of great single moms, single dads, but gosh, to tell our kids that before they have babies, they ought to think about getting married to someone, that's a great idea. >> we understand that some of your listeners were offended by that statement. tell us about that. >> good afternoon, jim. yeah, you know, the pundits failed to seize on that little moment last night.
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but our listeners certainly didn't miss that note. they were outraged. they said that this is more proof that this candidate is out of touch, to actually make a correlation between assault weapons crimes, these mass shootings that we have all regrettably seen, and single mothers. it's absolutely ludicrous. >> we remember the reaction from your listeners after the president's first debate. what was their reaction after round two? >> it was a slugfest by both candidates. that's what our listeners wanted to see from the first debate. they certainly got it in the second debate. there was the drop the mike moment that our listeners wanted to see. that's where at the end of the concert the musicians drop the mike. they said president obama got that moment last night when he nailed mitt romney op the 47% comment that he failed to do in the first debate. now, for our listeners who were rooting for mitt romney, and we do have listeners who root for
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mitt romney and our republicans, they say mitt romney missed the boat on the libya exchange. of course, that was supposed to be his drop the mike moment. did not happen for the governor. you know what, it was the debate that people wanted to see last night. >> all right. speaking of mitt romney's supporters, actress stacy dash is also stirring up a lot of reaction after announcing in a simple tweet that she supports governor romney. what is the blowback on all of this? >> that happened a little while ago and people just can't stop talking about it. unbelievable backlash. even called for her to commit suicide. kind of crazy. but that has been the tone of this election season by a lot of people. people on the far left, far right, have gone way too far. the problem with stacy dash is she's an african-american, unemployed actress who struggled in hollywood. but most recently, she's been
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making cameo appearances in -- and videos, and she was fired from a show on b.e.t. she's struggling. so people are saying, you supported ama in '08, now you've made this change. and they wonder why you would do so when many people don't see the governor as someone who would fight for the underdog. in this -- you know, in this country. >> well, she's certainly getting a lot of exposure now. >> oh, she is. people are talking about -- and she's not an "a" list celebrity. we had a lot of listeners who said, look, they tweeted about it, called us about it, and said, look, she has a right to her own opinion. if she wants to vote republican, she certainly can. the a lot of people who are republicans have called in and said, look, we don't have a problem voting for a republican, and democrats don't have a problem voting for republicans, but this particular republican is our problem. >> all right. got a big weekencoming up. >> yes, we do. homecoming weekend in howard is
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always a big deal. we have a fund-raising gala that we want people to come out and support. we're raising money for founder's library to restore it. it's this saturday. tickets are still available. check out for more info. >> we know you'll have fun. >> yeah. >> great to see you, as always. >> good to be here. thank you both. it can be tough to get into your doctor's office, so what's the harm in going to a clinic or asking your pharmacist? dr. jackie tells us when it's a safe decision and when it's a decision that could put your health at risk. plus, the unusual technique some burglars use to break into a home. slave of slaves arrested, why the rapper and reality star is facing charges today. and fired over gangnam style. the video that cost 14 lifeguards their job.
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as governor, i cut five billion dollars in spending
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and balanced the budget every year. and tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. we were a great team in richmond and we'll be a great team in washington. i'm tim kaine and i approve this message ...because we'll work together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
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welcome back. i'm meteorologist doug kammerer. taking a look at the weather out there, you just have to step outside. today, just about perfect for mid-october. 68 degrees. plenty of sunshine. a great evening to get out and about. as far as the temperatures go, around the rest of the region, we're sitting at 68 degrees in cumberland, maryland, 70 in culpepper, a nice warm 73 degrees down there towards fredericksburg. once again, simply gorgeous all across our region. now, no rain to talk about in our area. but take a look at what's going on out to the west. you can see some showers and thunderstorms developing, big thunderstorms around the st. louis area. but notice all of these areas back here that are highlighted in the orange. and in the brown. these are wind warnings. high wind warnings for areas like rapid city, northeastern colorado, portions of nebraska, and wind advisories all the way down to memphis and into the mountains here in southwestern virginia. wind advisories for winds
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gusting upwards of 30, 40 miles an hour. these winds bast heck here, 60-mile-an-hour winds in the mountains of colorado. that's the kind of storm we've got moving our way. for us, we'll see our winds increase. nothing like that. what we do have for us is a chance for severe weather. let's talk about it. high pressure sliding down to the south. allowing us to get back into the southerly flow. that means more sunshine for today. nice warm temperatures today. nice warm temperatures tomorrow. even a little bit warmer, and then we'll see our frontal boundary move through. here we are at 5:00 tomorrow afternoon, and we're dry. most of the day tomorrow will be fine. don't worry about tomorrow or tomorrow afternoon. but watch what happens tomorrow evening, and tomorrow night. notice this line of thunderstorms that develops, right along i-95, and back to the west. this is right around 10:00. we're going to see this move through between, say, 8:00 and 11:00 tomorrow night, and it has the potential for severe
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thunderstorms. biggest threat will be damaging winds. this is something we'll watch out for very closely as the front moves on through. once it does, notice what sticks around behind it. even though it's a cold front, it's coming from so far south, we're going to stay warm right on through the day on friday, before we see another front move through on saturday. notice from pennsylvania right through west virginia and right on down through virginia and north carolina, encompasses just about our entire viewing area, that slight risk of severe storms late tomorrow evening, into the overnight hours. doesn't really matter where you live, with the exception of the eastern shore, you are under the gun for the potential for severe weather. we're going to watch this very close and keep you updated right here. tomorrow, 72, rather breezy. 50% chance of storms late in the evening. 30% chance of showers early on friday. but clearing out, becoming nice with a high of 72. right now the weekend looking great. we'll call it highs in the upper 60s with plenty of sunshine saturday and sunday. looking very, very good. the complete seven-day forecast
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later on. busy moms and dads don't always have time to get to the doctor's office. many people use drugstore clinics, even medical spas for medical treatment and advice. but when should you use those facilities and what's the best way to use them? dr. jackie of family allergy and asthma care in gaithersburg is here with answers to these questions. these clinics are increasingly popular, very convenient, but are they good options when a patient can't get to your office? >> i think as long as you know what you're going for. in other words, you wouldn't show up at mcdonald's and expect a filet mignon, so don't show up at one of these clinics and expect all the services you would get at our office. but for a one-time problem, they are worthwhile. >> what are the best ways to use them. starting with a pharmacy based clinic like minute clinic or the health unit at your office. >> those are usually stamped not by physicians, but by physician
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assista assistants. a doctor is usually not on site for those. the pharmacy based clinics usually lead you down the over-the-counter aisle and help you get some sort of medication, but usually not by prescription. the office based work centers are great for getting particularly even allergy shots that you can get from your allergist. but you can get flu shots and vaccinations, good things like that from either one of those clinics. >> we get ours here, at nbc 4. what about the middle of the night emergencies? >> those are really great, not just middle of the night, but after-hours care. they're wonderful for a step up. things like tetanus shots, or ear infection in the middle of the night, anything that you need a laboratory, or a blood test for, an x-ray, that would be a place to go. >> when should you go to a medical spa, and are most of them safe? there was a case recently with a death at a spa in tamonium. >> we've got to realize the medical spas, they are run by a
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physician, but there's not always a physician, again, actually physically on staff. you need to be careful if you have a very complicated disease. for instance, if you had a kidney problem, you wouldn't want to just go into a medical spa, because that particular place doesn't know how your body's going to react and clear the medication out because your kidneys aren't working fine. those are places that would do botox, liposuction, even acne. if you have a complicated disease, go to your own physician before you walk into one of those places. >> the e.r., which so many people are using these days in place of routine primary care. >> right. and the problem that they do use it, really, you should go to an e.r. if you need a step up of a care. but you don't want to be known as we call in the medical business as a frequent flier at the e.r. >> or frequent visitor there. >> if they know your name when up hit the door, not a good sign. >> what about the issues of continuity of care and the
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coordination of care? can you get that, when you go to one of these clinics on a regular basis? >> that's the problem, the two buzz words. in terms of the continuity of care is that no letter gets sent out to your other physicians that says, hey, i saw this patient and this is what i did, so everybody else is in the loop. the coordination of care is also a difficult thing, which is, you come in there for the third time and you see a different doctor every time for, let's say, a cough. nobody stops to realize, wait a minute, three times in this month, maybe you have asthma. five times, a sinus problem, maybe we should work this up a little further. that's not the role of those kind of clinics. they're just there, as the e.r. says, treat them and street them. >> i assume you should get your records to the doctor, your regular doctor's office if you have them? >> the important thing is, get the records. don't just leave with the discharge instructions. get what happened there, what they told you, what they gave you to take.
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>> thank you, dr. jackie. >> and make a follow-up appointment with your doctor. they say no good deed goes unpunished. how a man got fired for complimenting jennifer aniston behind her back. and remember obama girl? there's a new girl in town, singing a song about getting fiscal with paul ryan.
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former reality tv star kate gosselin has been fired from her latest job, blogging advice for coupon clip'ing moms. the website coupon cabin announced it is cutting ties with gosselin best known for the reality series "jon & kate plus eight." they said she doesn't fit with the authenticity and culture of the site. she told her twitter followers no worries, and saying she is staying busy. a resort in santa fe claims he was fired for gossiping about a guest. jennifer aniston was a guest staying at a four seasons resort while filming her new movie.
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they said some of the other guests saw aniston at the spa and asked him about her. he says he told them she was in his words very sweet and much more petite than i thought. unquote. somebody on aniston's team heard about that and complained to management. the resort won't comment directly about the matter but the spokesman said it has a strict policy about protecting the privacy of its guests. >> wow, if that's the worst he can say, that's pretty good. >> i think so. coming up on news4 at 5:00, surveillance video shows a 57-year-old woman under attack, and what happened next has left police stunned. the little boy who was kicked out of school because of his genes. we'll tell you about that. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. how does it brew such great coffee? well, inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee,
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actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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kicked out of school because of his genes. welcome back, everybody, at 4:30. i'm jim handly. >> i'm pat lawson muse. a school in california is wrestling with a medical and ethical dilemma. coleman started a new school in palo alto, and settling in when administrators told his family he would have to transfer to a different school three miles away. coleman is a nonsymptomatic carrier of the gene for cystic fibros fibrosis. it's not contagious. but cf patients can pose dangers to each other through coughing or close contact. even near carriers of the gene can be dangerous for someone with the disease. the school system allows one patient per school and coleman's
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school had one student with cf before he arrived. >> coleman has attended two other schools with cf children. it's never been an issue, ever. >> in general, we would prefer that there not be more than one cystic fibrosis patient in a school. >> coleman's parents are challenging the school system in court next week. in the meantime, he's being home schooled. the average life expectancy for cystic fibrosis patients is 37 years. let's get the latest word on the weather. big changes blowing in. >> out there right now, temperature of 68 degrees. not bad at all. as a matter of fact, simply gorgeous right now. 68 in the d.c. area. hagerstown 64. out to the west, 75 in charleston, west virginia, and columbus, ohio, coming in at 73 degrees. that's the warmer air that will move in overnight and in through the day tomorrow. that will set the stage for what could be severe weather.
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damage right now, severe weather damage in portions of missouri, but all of those areas highlighted, all the states, kansas, nebraska, back through the dakotas, all high wind warnings. we'll see winds increase during the day tomorrow. our chance of severe weather, most likely tomorrow evening. we'll explain more coming up. it could soon be easier for stay-at-home spouses or partners to get a credit card in their own name. new regulations passed back in '09 made it impossible for stay-at-home spouses to open a card even if their significant other had enough income. today the consumer financial protection bureau proposed changing those regulations to consider family assets instead of individual assets. according to the census, more than 16 million married people don't work outside the home. >> i went to a number of women's groups and said can you help us find folks. they brought us binders full of
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women. >> that comment became the big bir bird of the second presidential debate. didn't take long for the comment about finding women to work in his cabinet in massachusetts to go viral. >> more on what's still buzzing this afternoon on social media. a day after the debate. >> trapper keepers, making it all cool again. 7.3 million tweets, the office tally from twitter during last night's debate. didn't break a record, but there were still big moments on social media that are still buzzing right now. mitt romney's remark, binders full of women, is an internet sensation within minutes of him saying it. within an hour of the debate, ending this new facebook page had 90,000 likes. now has more than 300,000. a tumbler page with a lady filled binders pictures and images continue to make the round now.
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there was no big yellow bird, but hello pepto pink, michelle obama and ann romney wore the color for the debate. some sites took a poll on who wore it best. was it planned? some speculate the two wore it in honor of breast cancer awareness month. finally, the video some claim could make republicans sexy again. ♪ let's get fiscal ♪ i want to get fiscal >> some say charts and talk on social security never looked so good. it has more than 125,000 views. one of the lines there, let's get into solvency, never thought that could be so catchy. >> the unfortunate thing is, you've infected us with the tune now for the night. >> are you going to get fiscal?
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>> i think that's the idea, to get people singing that. >> thanks, angie. busy night for you. arrested again, still ahead, why the rapper and reality tv star is now facing felony charges. honey boo-boo's mom tells us what they're doing with the money they're making from their reality tv show. and the gangnam style parody that cost 14 people their jobs. maryland schools are number one in america because
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we invest in them. but we can do even more. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million dollars at casinos in other states. question 7 keeps that maryland money in maryland through expansion of gaming in maryland. it will mean hundreds of millions of dollars for our schools. as governor, i can promise you, that money will go to education. that's the law and that's what we'll do. vote for question seven. and balanced the budget every year. and tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example.
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mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. we were a great team in richmond and we'll be a great team in washington. i'm tim kaine and i approve this message ...because we'll work together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. former rapper flavor flad is behind bars this afternoon. police say he threatened to attack his fiancee's son wa knife. the comments stem from an argument early this morning at a home near las vegas. police have said no one was actually attacked or injured. but flavor flaf is charged with domestic violence and assault with a deadly weapon. his real name is william jonathan draton jr. he's being held on $23,000 bail.
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it got 2 million hits on youtube. now these california lifeguards are also getting their jobs back. the city of el monte, california, fired the 14 lifeguards last month for making this gangnam style parody video on city property. the city called it a violation of conduct policy. the lifeguards said they were off the clock at the time. this week the city council voted to rehire them pending a review. >> just having a little fun. >> they're off the clock. 57-year-old woman beaten until she passed out. coming up, the attack was caught on video, and it shows something even police were shocked to see. doug has the details on the severe weather that could be heading our way.
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calm day today. gorgeous, you put it. but don't get used to it, because things are about to take an interesting turn. >> i actually thought you were taking the day off. >> i wish. if i would have listened to your
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forecast yesterday, i would have done it. >> listen up here. take a look out there right now. this is a great shot. >> oh, that is good. >> from the gaylord hotel. plenty of sunshine. and really, just fantastic conditions. it does not get a whole lot better than this in the middle of october, with temperatures close to 70 degrees. take a look at the numbers out there right now, from the city cam, looking at the planes coming in. bright blue skies. 68 degrees. winds out of the south at 9 miles an hour. again, doesn't get much better than this. 68 in fort belvoir and 64 down at huntingtown. mid-60s and sun is quite nice. not a cloud in the sky around our region now. more clouds off to the west. that's what will move through the day tomorrow. so i do expect more clouds tomorrow. even in through portions of tonight. but all in all, tonight will be another cool one, but not quite as cold. nobody in the 30s tonight.
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42 in frederick. 52 in the city. tomorrow afternoon, we should warm up nicely. 72 in the city, 73 in la plata, maybe 75 in fredericksburg. around the west, around 67. in through the mountains, overnight, i think that's when we see our chance here. tomorrow evening into tomorrow night, chance of severe weather moving in. i think that brings in rather nice weather for later on this week. we'll talk more about that coming up at 6:00. >> we'll see you at 5:00, too, don't forget, buddy. >> oh, yeah, 5:00. doug's a big fan of this 7-year-old girl who has taken this country by storm. honey boo-boo, he's yelling it. her show is among the most watched on cable tv. >> as gabe gutierrez reports, honey boo-boo is drawing even more attention because of her latest series of interviews. >> reporter: like it or not, honey boo-boo is on a roll.
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this pillow fight on "access hollywood" part of a media tour following the first season of tlc's "here comes honey boo-boo" which premiered in august and ran for eight weeks. she also took out her aggressions on a ryan seacrest doll. >> oh! >> i came out of it thinking, this kid needs discipline in a major way. >> i can't laugh at this. i can't endorse this. but no question it's a phenomenon in television. >> this is my crazy family. >> reporter: the 7-year-old first hit it big on another tlc show, "toddlers and tiaras." it documents the life of her mom and dad and three older sisters. now she's taking her antics on the road. her appearance on "access hollywood" -- >> i'm a redneck! >> who are you going to support
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for president? mitt romney or barack obama? >> barack obama. >> reporter: probably not the endorsement the campaign had in mind. then again, this pint-sized star is anything but shy. at a los angeles station this week she took the interview in her own direction. >> are people laughing with you or at you? >> i'm sure there are people laughing at us. so we're laughing at ourselves, too. >> reporter: last month, even anderson cooper had a tough time keeping a straight face. >> i see why there's some problems when you put a 7-year-old on tv. but i don't think as a society we're going to stop doing it. >> reporter: her mom said she's putting the family's salary in a trust fund for each of her kids and donating some of it to charities. for now, this pop culture phenomenon is showing no signs
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of slowing down. >> there's no turning back. ta train has left the station. >> she's a handful. >> mm-hmm. coming up, cashing in on the special sauce. still ahead, how a man is making big bucks from something that expired in 1992. and a group of thieves with an unusual technique. what they used to break into a home. coming up on news4 at 5:00 tonight, a bomb plot foiled in new york city. a sleeping child inside a burning home. who came to the rescue just in the nick of time. the day after two hikers made it back safely to virginia. they sit down with us, and reveal just how they survived. then on news4 at 6:00, how a plane on a routine flight was used to save a boat in distress. ike leggett: gaming generated one hundred and eighty...
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million dollars for maryland schools. question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to. more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote for question seven. leggett: vote for question seven. a team of burglars got creative and used their back sides to bust down this door. this happened last week at a
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home in new jersey. and was captured on security camera. the four men got inside the house, stole valuable jewelry. police say they're part of the so-called james bond gang. officers believe the thieves have hit dozens of homes in affluent communities over the past year. a north dakota man cashed in on mcdonald's memorabilia he kept for 20 years. he sold this one-gallon jug of mcjordan barbecue sauce on ebay for $10,000. he said he hung on to that jug after a michael jordan promotion back in 1992. despite the jug's value, the buyer probably shouldn't eat that sauce, though. it expired in december of 1992. >> looked toxic. >> it does. coming up on news4 next, a 57-year-old woman beaten on a street corner. police are stunned abo
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as governor, i cut five billion dollars in spending and balanced the budget every year. and tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. we were a great team in richmond and we'll be a great team in washington. i'm tim kaine and i approve this message ...because we'll work together to restore fiscal responsibility,
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grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
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would ban all abortions and contraception seemed a bit extreme. so i looked into it. turns out, romney doesn't oppose contraception at all. in fact, he thinks abortion should be an option in cases of rape, incest, or to save a mother's life. this issue's important to me, but i'm more concerned about the debt our children will be left with. i voted for president obama last time, but we just can't afford four more years. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. take a look at what
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surveillance cameras captured outside a san diego. a 57-year-old woman beaten by two young men. police say the attack was unprovoked. that's not all. after it was over, the men drove back to the scene and continued hitting and kicking her while she was unconscious. the woman in that video is alive. but still in the hospital. >> her attackers are still at large. and her family is outraged. nbc's tony shin spoke to the woman's sister and her son. >> she's a very friendly, loving person. she always has been. >> reporter: april doesn't want us to reveal her last name because she's afraid the strangers who savagely attacked her sister would do the same thing to her. >> her ribs are broken, broken across her jaw here, broken in several places, the bottom of her jaw. they weren't even able to tell me about the broken teeth in the hospital because she can't open her mouth.
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it's all wired shut. it's terrible. >> reporter: part of the beating was caught by surveillance cameras, it shows jermaine who is 57 years old holding a flashlight. a man walks up, and the two appear to argue. then another man arrives. and both men attack her. >> i mean, all it took was that first man who punched her and sent her all the way across the street, flat. she was unconscious. >> reporter: the two men run to a nearby silver mitsubishi galan and drive off. unbelievably they come back about a minute later. and this time three get out, and continue the beating. >> why did they have to come back? she was already unconscious. i don't understand it. i don't understand that kind of mentality. okay? >> reporter: jermaine's son doesn't understand either. >> i've cried my tears. now those tears have turned into something else. >> reporter: the anger is also
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turning into determination, to find the three men, who would do this to a woman. and then leave her lying on a street. >> it's terrible for anybody to treat a defenseless woman like this. i want those men found. >> because the victim's jaw is wired shut, investigators still haven't been able to get all of their questions answered. but they believe the attack was unprovoked. now, at 5:00, breaking news. a terror plot foiled. a toddler is sleeping, and no one is home. then the house catches fire. who came to the rescue just in time. a more animated debate last night. but were both candidates accurate? we "fact check" round two. big developments for the two police officers on trial for beating a college student. good evening. i'm pat lawson muse. wendy rieger is off tonight. >> and i'm jim handly. we begin with breaking news out
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of new york city, where a sting operation led to a terror arrest. a 21-year-old man was trying to blow up the federal reserve building. investigators say quausi parked a van of what appeared to be explosives outside the building. >> he was arrested in jamaica, new york, this morning. he was charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and provide materials to al qaeda. pete williams will join us live at 6:00 with more details about this. members of a utility crew became life savers this morning in prince george's county. >> they were working on the lines at a home in upper marlboro when the house caught fire. the amazing acts of courage that saved a young child's life. jackie? >> reporter: well, the closest fire engine would have come from here, about three miles away, a


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